Column Management

Column headers of the playlist table include the corresponding field names. Numerous fields exist to control the playlist. If the column is out of view in the main window, it can be shown by horizontal scrolling of the playlist table. Each column can be resized by positioning the mouse pointer on the grid line between the field names, and dragging the sizing tool left or right to adjust the column size.

The playlist panel view can be configured using the "Show columns" dialog. To invoke the dialog, right-click the table header and click the "Customize…​" command or use the "Customize columns" command from the "View" main menu:


The following dialog appears:


move up move_down

Use the "Move up" and "Move down" buttons to reorder the columns.


Press the "Reset" button to return to the default settings.

The column names in the list on the left show the columns that are not included into the current view. The list on the right shows the columns that are included in the current view. To add a column to the view, select the column name from the list on the left-hand side and press the "Add –>" button. To remove a column, select it in the right-hand side list and press the "<– Remove" button.

Cinegy Air provides the possibility to enter and edit custom metadata values directly in the playlist table.

To be able to edit custom metadata fields in the playlist table, make sure the "Metadata editing" option is enabled in the Cinegy Air Configurator.


To create a new playlist column for custom metadata, press the "Create…​" button.

The following dialog appears allowing you to set the custom column name and its data type:


The data type in the column can be plain text or boolean value.

Having specified the column parameters, press "OK". The custom column will be added to the list, marked with an asterisk:


Delete column button fmt

Use the "Delete" button to remove the custom metadata column from the playlist table. This button is active only for custom metadata columns selected in the list on the right.

Column Overview


The leftmost column displays a line numbering. The programs dates and blocks names are shown in a tree-like structure in the next column. Each program or block can be collapsed/expanded if necessary.

A quick overview of the columns available in the playlist panel view is given below.

Column Description


Cinegy Air uses the following start trigger types displayed in the "Start" column of the playlist panel: "Follow", "Clocked" and "Join-in-progress".

Start Time

In this column, the manually entered or automatically calculated start time of the Cinegy Air playlist item is shown.


This column displays the "Manual end" trigger. Also, the corresponding icons for the items included into the loop playback are displayed in this column.


This column displays the custom category of the item.


This column displays the program and block names as well as the Cinegy Air playlist items names.


The icon in the "S" column shows the item source. For example, a live item is indicated by a camera icon.


This column contains the item description.


Here you can add your own comments.


In this column the duration is shown in hours:minutes:seconds:frames.


This column displays any timecode inconsistencies regarding start time and duration of previous and next items.


Here the proxy status of the item is displayed in %.


This column displays each playlist item status. The status of items can be "live", "skipped", "ready for playout" etc.


This column is headed with an arrow icon. It displays the command number set up for the current item.

In and Out

The In and Out timecodes for each item are shown in these two columns.

Orig Asp

This column defines the original aspect ratio of a playlist item.

Targ Asp

This column defines the target aspect ratio of a playlist item.


This column displays the number of audio channels that a playlist item contains.

Audio Mtx

This column defines the audio matrix preset used for playlist items playback. Hover the cursor over this cell to see the tooltip displaying the audio mapping profile description defined via Cinegy Audio Profile Editor.

Audio Enc

This column defines the audio encoding profile. Hover the cursor over this cell to see the tooltip displaying the audio encoder profile description defined via Cinegy Audio Profile Editor.

Dyn Rng

This column defines the original dynamic range of a file-based item for further SDR-HDR conversion. For SD items the following values can be set: empty (no dynamic range conversion is performed), 601. For HD, UHD items: empty, 709, HLG.

Traffic ID

This column defines the third-party Traffic ID of the item.

Subtitle ID

This column defines the subtitle ID value of a playlist item.


This column defines the EPG ID value. This value is editable only for programs; items inherit the value automatically, so that this field is read-only for them.

The EPG ID value is processed in event only with the EPG event properly configured via Cinegy Playout Configurator.


This column shows if any SRT/STL subtitles are attached to a playlist item.

Text Size

To change the font size of the currently open playlist, select the desired size in the "Text size" submenu of the "View" main menu:

This option affects the display of the playlist, timeline and monitor panel text size.

Collapse and Expand

These functions are available for both program and block contents. To collapse or expand all of the playlist components, use the corresponding command from the main menu ("View" > "Expand/Collapse"):

  • Collapse all – collapse all playlist components up to the program items.

  • Expand all – expand all playlist components.

  • Expand to blocks – expand all playlist components up to the block items.

Selective Collapsing and Expanding

To collapse or expand a single program or block, click the corresponding sign, either "+" or "–" on the left of the program date or the block name:


Row Height

The playlist row height can be changed by positioning the mouse pointer to the first column with the rows numbering and dragging the sizing tool up or down to adjust the rows height. To reset the rows default height, use the "Reset rows height" command from the "View" main menu.

Using the "Reset layout" command from the "View" main menu also resets the playlist row height.