Cinegy Prompter can work in "Play" and "Pause" modes.


The modes can be switched by the "Play/Pause" button in the Prompter device window of Cinegy Studio.

In "Play" mode the text is scrolled automatically with the speed defined for the story presenter, which can be adjusted as described in the table below. In "Pause" mode all the operations are performed only using the mouse or keyboard. The same keys can perform different actions or be blocked depending on which mode you are working in.

Play Mode

The following table gives the description of the hot keys and actions they perform in "Play" mode:

Operation Resulting Action



  • Pause text when scrolled in normal direction

  • Play text in normal direction when scrolled in reverse direction


  • Pause text when scrolled in reverse direction

  • Play text in reverse direction when scrolled in normal direction


Load cued script


Send cued script on air

1…​10 keys

Change scrolling speed according to settings in the "Speed presets" section of the Cinegy Prompter Configurator NOTE: All hot keys and amount of words per minute can be changed according to your needs in the Cinegy Prompter Configurator.


Increase scrolling speed by adding 10 words to the reading rate

Decrease scrolling speed by subtracting 10 words from the reading rate


Set scrolling speed according to the reading rate defined in Story Editor


Scroll up

Decrease text scrolling speed

Scroll down

Increase the text scrolling speed


  • Pause text when scrolled in normaldirection

  • Play text in normal direction when scrolled in reverse direction

Pause Mode

The following table gives the description of the hot keys and actions they perform in "Pause" mode:

Operation Resulting Action



Start text scrolling in normal direction


Start text scrolling in reverse direction


Load cued script

Page up

Load preceding script

Page down

Load next script

Go to script start

Go to script end

Scroll text up

Scroll text down


Load the first script


Load the last script


Set scrolling speed according to the reading rate defined in Story Editor


Enable full screen mode. Pressing one more time escapes full screen mode


Scroll up

Scroll text up

Scroll down

Scroll text down