When a scene is selected in the tree, the tab on the right of canvas (named the same as the scene) displays the global parameters for the current scene:



The scene has a global loop structure with start and end frame markers specifying its range:

  • Play Mode – specifies loop play mode. The default option "Once" is used to play the scene just once. You can also set loop or ping-pong playback mode for scene by selecting the corresponding option from the drop-down list.

    • Once – the default option is used to play the scene just once;

    • Loop – option to loop play according to the loop range;

    • PingPong – option to play the scene back and forth specified number of times

  • Loop Start – specifies the initial frame of the loop.

  • Loop End – specifies the final frame of the loop.

    The start and end frames of the loop span are shown as yellow bars on the timeline:

  • Loop Count – defines the number of loop repeats. Select the "Infinite" option to play loop infinite number of times.

    The "Loop Start", "Loop End" and "Loop Count" options are only available with "Loop" or "Ping-pong" playback mode selected.
  • Loop Scene – specifies whether the whole scene should be played in a loop.

  • Leave Loop – manually triggers the scene to leave the loop and play to its end.

    Leaving loop is also possible by checking the "Leave Loop Trigger" option in Cinegy CG. For more details refer to the Working with Templates article in the Cinegy CG Manual.


The scene background settings are listed below:

  • Hide On-Air Video – if this option is set, the video of the playlist item with such a Cinegy Title template applied will be displayed as black frames when being on air.

  • Background Color - specifies the background color of the frame viewing area.

    Please note, background color is used only on the Cinegy Title template editing stage and is not passed to the output.

    To select the background color, enter the HEX color code or click the box near this field, the following dialog will be open:


    Here you can define the color components in different color modes which can be selected from the drop-down list:


Text Substitution

Text substitution allows text to text or file replacement according to predefined list. It could be used for the following tasks:

  • automated correction of common misspellings;

  • automated replacement of banned words;

  • substitution of character-based elements representing emotion with true image elements (emoji, smiley faces, etc);

  • use of an image to delineate long text lines within a stationary or scrolling block;

  • application of a small icon to represent weather conditions in line with text;

  • use of symbols to help clarify displayed information in stock tickers (arrows) or scoreboard results (flags or shirts);

  • displaying headshots of team players or involved parties.

The text substitution lists are XML-based files. An example of such file is:

 <Text NAME=”teh” VALUE=”the”/>
 <File NAME=”UA_FLAG” VALUE=”\\server\ua_flag_image.png”/>
 <File NAME=”:)” VALUE=”.\Smileys\Smile.png”/>

New entries can be added by manual editing of an XML file.

Alternatively, the text replacement lists can be created via Cinegy Title interface. To do this, press the "Select file…​" button on the right of the "Dictionary Path" field:


In the dialog that appears specify the name and location of the text replacement XML file:


An empty XML file will be created. Next, press the "Edit…​" button:


The following "Text Substitution Dictionary" dialog will be opened:


It is possible to create text substitution entries of the text or file type. Press the "Add" button and select the corresponding type from the drop-down list:


Then fill in the "Original" and "Substitution" fields:


The [ symbol and ${ symbol combination are reserved for tags and variables processing in the text and cannot be auto-replaced. All symbols between the [ and ] symbols will not be replaced. All symbols between the ${ and } symbols will not be replaced.

To remove the entry from the dictionary, select it in the list and press the "Delete" button.

To save changes in the substitution dictionary, press the "Apply" button.

If you have created the substitution list as an XML file, you can add it to the dictionary by pressing the "Append…​" button.

An image may be displayed inline within text elements to provide a richer display than text alone can provide. To enable image substitution, select the "File" type and define the text which will be changed in the "Original" field and the graphics file in the "Substitution" field. The following example shows the “it-flag” text replaced with the flag icon:

In the substitution dictionary table each row represents a replacement rule, and the rules are applied in the order they are listed. This means that if multiple rules apply to a particular value, the first rule listed in the table will be applied first, followed by the second rule, and so on.

To enable text or file substitution, the "Use Substitution" option should be enabled:



  • On-Air Volume – defines the volume level of the on-air item using Cinegy Title template in Cinegy Air control application.

  • Scene Volume – defines the volume level of the template audio output.


The "Source Alpha" parameter defines the rendering method for media files with alpha channel.

The transparency information within an alpha channel is stored in two different ways in the resulting media file – as straight or premultiplied. In order for the media file to be correctly interpreted in Cinegy Title, the corresponding rendering method should be specified:

  • Straight – transparency data is stored only in the alpha channel, but not in any of the visible RGB channels.

    This mode is used by Cinegy Desktop; so, objects with an alpha channel intended for use in Cinegy Desktop Timeline should be created in "Straight" mode.
    Since the end-of-life Cinegy Type uses straight alpha, the "Straight" mode should be used for Cinegy Type templates intended for import into Cinegy Title.
  • Premultiplied – transparency data is stored in the alpha channel and also in the visible color channels, which are multiplied with a background color (also known as "matted with color"). Semitransparent areas, like feathered edges, will have colors that are shifted towards the background color in proportion to their transparency values. The background color can be selected in the "Source Matted With Color" field. By specifying the correct background color, the color in semitransparent areas will be correctly interpreted.