Cinegy License Service
Reading time ~3 minutes
The Cinegy License Service is meant to control access to the licensed Cinegy software through USB hardware dongles and software key files. This article describes the Cinegy License Service installation and configuration.
The Cinegy License Service is installed automatically during Cinegy product installation, or can be downloaded separately from the Cinegy Customer portal and the Cinegy Partner portal.
For proper functioning of Cinegy products it is strongly recommended to use the latest Cinegy License Service version. |
The Cinegy License Service is installed as a Windows Service:

In order to install the Cinegy License Service manually, run the Setup.exe file from the installation package. After this, the Cinegy License Service setup wizard will be started:

Press "Next" to proceed with installation or "Cancel" to abort and exit the setup wizard.
Read and accept the license agreement:

Press "Next" to proceed. Choose the destination folder for Cinegy License Service installation:

Press "Next" to proceed. In the dialog that appears confirm your decision about Cinegy License Service installation by pressing the "Install" button. A progress bar shows the progress of the installation process. After installation is completed, press the "Finish" button to exit the setup wizard.
In order to configure the Cinegy License Service, go to the the Start menu > Cinegy or click the application icon on the Windows desktop. |
In the following configuration dialog that appears, you can change necessary settings:

License Service
When the "Allow Remote Connection" option is enabled, the remote machines will be able to request licenses from the service. It is disabled by default. To apply the changed option state, press the "Save changes" button.

Define the timeout in seconds to keep the connections alive.
The "Disable Resolving Client Network Name" checkbox serves to disable network name resolving in cases where reverse DNS lookup is not configured. Selecting this checkbox disables the code trying to figure out the network name of the machine, which makes connection to the server. As a result, in the logs is machine IP address instead of a machine name.
The "Default Software License Renewal URL" checkbox is active by default. The default URL is used by the Cinegy License Service to request renewed license. Leave it as is or deselect the checkbox to enter another URL to the different service location and version, which may be changed over time.
You can enable logging of the Cinegy License Service activities by selecting the "Enable Logging" checkbox:

By default logs are stored in the following path: C:\ProgramData\Cinegy\CinegyLicenseServer\Logs. Press the button to change the logging folder.
Trace Level - select the the custom debug level.
Error Level - select the necessary level of errors.
Day Start At - specify the hour when the new day starts if the log file is set to be created every day.
Rotate Frequency - specify how often a new log file is created, in hours.
Service Control
This field allows user to start, stop and restart the Cinegy License Service via the relevant buttons:

The "Status" indicator goes green when the service is started, and switches to red when the service is stopped.
License Client

The "Use Remote License Servers" option defines whether the licenses should be requested from the remote license servers. It is disabled by default. To save the option state, press the "Save changes" button.
In the "License Server Addresses" field below you can enter addresses of all available license servers (comma separated).