The logging templates are used in the Cinegy Desktop logging window to provide a customized look and feel for the logging interface.

Logging Template Format

Template Rules

The Cinegy Desktop logging templates must be registered in the "LOG_templates" database table. Each record contains a descriptive name and relative path for the HTML document on the file server.

A logging template is an HTML document. It must conform to the following rules:

  1. The BODY tag must have ID="DPT_LoggingWindow" attribute.

  2. The BODY tag may have attributes that can restrict the window size – DPT_MIN_WIDTH, DPT_MIN_HEIGHT, DPT_MAX_WIDTH and DPT_MAX_HEIGHT; all values are in pixels.

     <BODY ID="DPT_LoggingWindow" BGCOLOR="lightgrey" DPT_MIN_WIDTH="600" DPT_MIN_HEIGHT="350" DPT_MAX_WIDTH="800" DPT_MAX_HEIGHT="600">
  3. There must be a FORM tag with ID="DPT_FORM".

  4. It is recommended to have two input fields with ID="DPT_TEXT_ClipName" and ID="DPT_TEXT_ClipDescription" for a new MOG name and description.

     <TD ALIGN="left" ROWSPAN="2">
    Name:<INPUT TYPE="text" VALUE="" ID="DPT_TEXT_ClipName" NAME="DPT_TEXT_ClipName" TABINDEX="2" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="pd_clip_name" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="256">
    <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" ROWSPAN="3">
    <TEXTAREA ID="DPT_TEXT_ClipDescription" NAME="DPT_TEXT_ClipDescription" TABINDEX="1" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="clip_description" rows="13" wrap="virtual" cols=".^37"></TEXTAREA>
  5. The template may contain three predefined buttons with IDs: ID="DPT_BUTTON_MarkIn", ID="DPT_BUTTON_MarkOut" and ID="DPT_BUTTON_MakeClip".

    <BUTTON STYLE="WIDTH:100px" ID="DPT_BUTTON_MarkIn" type="button">Mark In</BUTTON>
    <BUTTON STYLE="WIDTH:100px" ID="DPT_BUTTON_MarkOut" type="button">Mark Out</BUTTON>
    <BUTTON STYLE="WIDTH:120px" ID="DPT_BUTTON_MakeClip" type="button">Make Clip</BUTTON>
  6. All the additional fields are bound to MOG properties by the internal name attribute (e.g. DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="pd_rights_indicator"). The names must match those in the DESCRIPTORS database table (internal_name db field). At the beginning of creating a new MOG, the data is collected from the HTML document by the VALUE attribute of an appropriate tag; so, for preset db field types (type=’P’), it must match exactly one of the choice values for the preset.

    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="DPT_RADIO_Rights" ID="DPT_RADIO_Rights_FreeUse" VALUE="Free Use" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="pd_rights_indicator" CHECKED>&nbsp;Free&nbsp;Use<br>
  7. The only supported input tags are INPUT with TYPE="text", "textarea", "hidden" and "radio" and the SELECT with single selection. The correct attribute DPT_INTERNAL_NAME must be present.

  8. The document must not contain any HREF except href="javascript:Foo()" that must not lead to loading new links.

Sample Template

A sample template will generate the following logging window:


For a more detailed view, check the HTML code of the following sample.


   <script language="JavaScript">
         function insertIntoDescription(_text) {
            var oldText = document.DPT_FORM.DPT_TEXT_ClipDescription.value;
            document.DPT_FORM.DPT_TEXT_ClipDescription.value = oldText +   + _text;
      // -->
   <BODY ID="DPT_LoggingWindow" BGCOLOR="lightgrey" DPT_MIN_WIDTH="600" DPT_MIN_HEIGHT="350" DPT_MAX_WIDTH="800" DPT_MAX_HEIGHT="600">
         <TABLE WIDTH="100%" ID="Table1">
               <TD ALIGN="left" ROWSPAN="2">
                  &nbsp;&nbsp;Name:&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="text" VALUE="" ID="DPT_TEXT_ClipName" NAME="DPT_TEXT_ClipName" TABINDEX="2" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="pd_clip_name" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="256">
               <TD ALIGN="right" COLSPAN="2">
                  <BUTTON STYLE="WIDTH:100px" ID="DPT_BUTTON_MarkIn" type="button">Mark In</BUTTON>
                  <BUTTON STYLE="WIDTH:100px" ID="DPT_BUTTON_MarkOut" type="button">Mark Out</BUTTON>
               <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="bottom" COLSPAN="2">
                  <BUTTON STYLE="WIDTH:120px" ID="DPT_BUTTON_MakeClip" type="button">Make Clip</BUTTON>
               <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" ROWSPAN="3">
                  <TEXTAREA ID="DPT_TEXT_ClipDescription" NAME="DPT_TEXT_ClipDescription" TABINDEX="1" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="clip_description" rows="13" wrap="virtual" cols=".^37"></TEXTAREA>
               <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" COLSPAN="2">
                  <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="DPT_RADIO_Rights" ID="DPT_RADIO_Rights_FreeUse" VALUE="Free Use" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="pd_rights_indicator" CHECKED>&nbsp;Free&nbsp;Use<br>
                  <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="DPT_RADIO_Rights" ID="DPT_RADIO_Rights_LocalIngest" VALUE="Local Ingest" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="pd_rights_indicator">&nbsp;Local&nbsp;Ingest<br>
                  <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="DPT_RADIO_Rights" ID="DPT_RADIO_Rights_MediumRights" VALUE="Medium Rights" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="pd_rights_indicator">&nbsp;Medium&nbsp;Rights<br>
                  <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="DPT_RADIO_Rights" ID="DPT_RADIO_Rights_StrictRights" VALUE="Strict Rights" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="pd_rights_indicator">&nbsp;Strict&nbsp;Rights<br>
                  <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="DPT_RADIO_Rights" ID="DPT_RADIO_Rights_NoRights" VALUE="No Rights" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="pd_rights_indicator">&nbsp;No&nbsp;Rights
               <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
                  <SELECT ID="DPT_SELECT_A1_Lang" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="rushes_audio_track_1_language" SIZE="1">
                     <OPTION VALUE="English" SELECTED>
                     <OPTION VALUE="German">
                     <OPTION VALUE="Japanese">
               <TD ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
                  <SELECT ID="DPT_SELECT_A2_Lang" DPT_INTERNAL_NAME="rushes_audio_track_2_language" SIZE="3">
                     <OPTION VALUE="English" SELECTED>
                     <OPTION VALUE="German">
                     <OPTION VALUE="Japanese">
               <TD COLSPAN="2">
                  <a href="javascript:insertIntoDescription('Lion')">Lion</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="javascript:insertIntoDescription('Frog')">
                     Frog</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="javascript:insertIntoDescription('Giraffe')">Giraffe</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;

Registering the Templates

The logging templates must be registered in the Log templates database table. Each record contains the descriptive name and the relative path for the HTML document on the file server. Check the location of the share with Cinegy Archive Manager. The logging templates must be copied to the LOG share. Normally you should not create more than one LOG location.


For example, on the illustration below the logging templates must be copied to the directory \\cinedata1\Docs\cinegymediafiles\MainDBAssets\LOG_Templates:

Refer to the File Types article in the Cinegy Archive Manager Manual for more details.
Refer to the Icons, Log Templates, Colors, Error Messages article in the Cinegy Archive Manager Manual for more information about implementation of log templates.