Effects for Graphics
Reading time ~3 minutes
The following effects are available for graphic objects:
This effect can be applied to a plate or a text object contained in a group to allow partial or total occlusion of other objects in this group. Objects can be occluded within the body of the scene by a mask – allowing items to appear on screen from any position, or to remove sections from an object.
The objects in the tree, that are placed below the object with the applied "Mask" effect, become the compound mask for this object. |
With the "Mask" effect applied, the luminance value of the object acting as a mask defines the appearance of all other underlying objects: a white pixel of the mask makes the target pixel completely visible, a black pixel of the mask makes a target pixel transparent.
The mask effect has the following parameters:

Select the "Invert" option to use the reversed mask.
For example, a group contains an image and a white color plate object with 80% opacity.
The following picture illustrates both variants of applying the mask effect:
All the objects outside the group remain visible regardless of whether they are in the background or foreground respectively to the group.
This effect adds a gradient to plate objects. The gradient can be applied for color and/or opacity of the object.

The gradient effect has the following parameters:

Mode – determines the pattern in which the gradient fills the image.
Edge Mode – specifies how the color will be applied to the areas not covered by the gradient if "Begin Point" is greater than 0% and "End Point" is less than 100%.
Direction – determines the gradient transition direction.
Begin Point – determines the point in percent from the edge of the plate object, starting from which the gradient is applied.
End Point – determines the point in percent from the edge of the plate object, at which the gradient will end.
Begin Color – determines the color for the start of the gradient.
End Color – determines the color for the end of the gradient.
Text Auto Size
This effect automatically adjusts the size of the plate object to fit the linked text.
For this effect to work, the text object should be nested inside the plate object. |

The auto-size effect has the following parameters:

Left – offset value on the left side of the plate object.
Right – offset value on the right side of the plate object.
Top – offset value on the top of the plate object.
Bottom – offset value on the bottom of the plate object.