In the "File Match Provider" section specify the method for resolving the House_ID / Traffic_ID into actual file names to be referenced inside the resulting playlists. SOLO mode allows you to select the default PowerShell script provider. In PRO mode the Cinegy Archive Service provider can be used to fetch items from the Cinegy Archive database.


Activate the PowerShell provider by setting the switcher to the "On" position and press the folder button to specify the script file:


Custom PowerShell scripts may be created to process input playlists, although a default is provided to search for appropriately named files in a list of directories. When performing upgrades, customers are strongly advised to carefully check what changes have been made to the updated PowerShell script that ships with the newer version of Traffic Gateway.

Settings button

Press this button to set the PowerShell provider configuration. The following dialog will be open:


Define the custom caption for the PowerShell provider in the "Provider name" field.

In the "PowerShell script" section press the folder button and specify the path to the script file.

In the "Media storage path" section create the list of folders where the media files are searched for. To add a folder, press the plus_button button. To remove the folder from the list, press the delete_button button near the corresponding folder in the list. Enable the "Search in subfolders" option for the media files to be searched also in the subfolders of the defined folders.

Cinegy Traffic Gateway PowerShell file match provider requires Windows PowerShell 4.0 or later. Previous PowerShell versions are not supported. PowerShell should be manually upgraded on the machines running Windows 8, Windows Server 2012. A required installer upgrade package can be downloaded from Microsoft TechNet website.

Cinegy Archive Service

Make sure the Cinegy Archive Service is installed on your machine.

Activate the Cinegy Archive Service provider by setting the switcher to "On" position:


Press the "Configure" button to define the Cinegy Archive Service settings:

Filling in all fields is obligatory.

The "Create placeholders" option defines whether placeholders should be created in the database for incoming items that have no media.

Newly created Rolls in Cinegy Archive are named after the traffic list item name by default. Select the "Use TrafficID instead of the Title for Roll Name" option to use the associated TrafficID value for the Roll name.

Having filled in all fields, press the "Check settings" button. The service will connect to the specified database and will display the corresponding success message.


In case the specified settings are invalid, an error message will appear.

The configuration status is shown when clicking the toggle_button button next to the Cinegy Archive Service provider:


Extra Providers

Adding multiple file match providers is available only with Traffic Gateway PRO license.

Additional file match providers can be added and configured if needed. To do this, press the plus_button button located in the top left corner of "File Match Provider" section. The "Add provider" configuration window will appear allowing you to select the desired provider by choosing between the CAS or PowerShell providers:


Press "OK"; the added provider will become available in the list and can be further configured:


To delete the unnecessary file match provider press the delete_button button located next to it.

The following confirmation dialog appears:


Press the "Yes" button to confirm the deletion or cancel the operation with the "No" button.

Provider Execution Order

The file match provider execution order is defined by its position in the "Provider type" window; the provider listed in the top will be the first to execute. To change the execution order, simply drag-and-drop the desired provider on the first place:
