Advanced Mode
Reading time ~3 minutes
The Advanced mode of the report generation allows you to choose the components to be included into the report.
Select the "Advanced" mode and proceed to the next step, fill in the company information just like it is done for the "Typical" report generation mode.
On the "Products" window, select the products to be included into the report:
Select the checkboxes next to desired products and proceed to the next step. To select or deselect all products, use "Select All" or "Deselect All" buttons correspondingly.
Press the "Next button" to proceed to the "Advanced settings" screen and specify the additional settings for files collection rules:
Temporary folder – the folder to be used while the report data is being collected;
Target folder – the folder where the resulting report archive files are placed;
Max report size – the maximum size of the report archive file;
Delete files older – the number of days before the expiry date, after which the old dump, log files will be deleted;
XML view file size limit – the size limit for XML files, displayed on the "XML View" tab of Cinegy Report Viewer. The option is used to prevent application overload while opening large XML files. The default size value is 1 Mb;
Ask before deleting the files – if this option is selected, the confirmation dialog will be invoked during the report generation:
The dialog contains the list of expired files with an option to delete these files or move them to the Recycle Bin.
Having specified the necessary parameters, proceed to the "Additional files" window. Set the additional parameters for log and dump files, which will be included to the report:
For each group it is possible to specify the time period when the files were created: between the defined time and dates and the set the expiration period.
To set the specified date and time, press the icon on the right side of the date field. The calendar will be opened:
Select the desired date and time or enter them manually in the date fields.
To set the time period for files to be considered as old, select the value (minute, hour, day, week, month, year) from the drop-down list:
Having specified all the necessary parameters, proceed to the "Summary" window, where the report settings summary is displayed:
If necessary, select the "Automatically upload report to Cinegy FTP" checkbox and specify Cinegy FTP credentials for automatic uploading of the generated report to Cinegy FTP service for its analysis by the support team.
Press the "Generate" button to begin the report generation:
When the report generation is completed, the report file summary is displayed on the "Completed" step of the Cinegy Reporting Tool wizard:
Select the corresponding checkbox to open the generated report in Cinegy Report Viewer.
Press the "Finish" button to exit the Cinegy Reporting Tool wizard.