Cinegy Convert Monitor requires a valid established connection to the Cinegy Process Coordination Service. By default, the configuration is set to connect to the Cinegy PCS installed locally on the same machine (localhost) and use the default port 8555. In case the Cinegy PCS is installed on another machine or another port should be used, the corresponding parameter should be changed in the settings dialog.

Press the cfg_button button on the bottom right part of the window and choose the "Settings" command:


The following window will be opened:


Set up the following parameters:

  • Endpoint – parameter should be modified in the following format:

    http://[machine name]:[port]/CinegyProcessCoordinationService/ICinegyProcessCoordinationService/soap


    • machine name – specifies the name or IP address of the machine where the Cinegy PCS is installed;

    • port – specifies the connection port configured in the Cinegy PCS settings.

  • Clients update frequency – time interval for the Cinegy PCS to update information about the clients.

  • Heartbeat frequency – time interval for the Cinegy PCS to report it is running properly.

  • Services update frequency – time interval for the Cinegy PCS to update information about the internal services used by clients.