Audio Controls
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Audio VU Meters
There are four pairs of stereo audio indicators displayed between control monitors on the playout control panel. VU meters are intended to help program producers maintain consistent volume levels across all the items in the playlist. Each indicator controls a definite audio channel. |
The scales have the following areas for the instant level display (the values here are in the user scale):
Green (below 0 dB)
Yellow (0 to 4 dB)
Red (above 4 dB)
At the top of the scale is an additional color indicator. It shows the integrated status of the signal (during approximately the last 1.5 seconds). The following states are indicated (note, the value here is absolute, in dBFS or dB Full Scale):
Black digital silence (below -120 dBFS)
Green signal (below -6 dBFS)
Red signal (above -6 dBFS)
The zero level of the VU meter is adjustable to the requirements of your organization.
Use Ctrl+M shortcut to mute audio preview when viewing material in Cinegy Air. This will not affect audio on air. |
Adjusting the Zero dB Level
Use the Cinegy Air Configurator to set up the zero dB level for the VU meter. Open it and set up audio VU meter zero (dB) parameter:
The value indicates the distance in dB between the maximum digital level and the zero of the VU meter. Note that the zero level value should be set up within the bounds of -20 and 0; otherwise, you will not be able to apply your settings as the "OK" button in the Cinegy Air Configurator will be grayed out.
Volume Control
The volume control slider is located to the right of the audio VU meter. It allows you to change the volume level for the on-air item by moving the slider with the mouse. |
To mute, move the volume control slider to the bottom. |
Refer to the Keyboard article for more information about the keyboard customization. |
Audio Preview
The on-air item can contain up to four stereo audio pairs. To select what audio channel will be played in the channel preview, select the desired channel from the "Audio preview" drop-down menu in the "Playout" main menu:
To switch off the audio preview, select the "Mute" command or use the Ctrl+M keyboard shortcut.
This command mutes audio only in preview and does not affect audio on the playout. |