Operating Systems
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Supported Operating Systems
Cinegy Air software is certified to run on the 64-bit editions of the following operating systems:
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022
Windows 10
Windows 11
We recommend using the following operating systems which have been patched with the latest Microsoft updates and hotfixes:
Servers: Windows Server 2022
Workstations/Desktops: Windows 11
Cinegy Air components are tested on fully patched versions of the supported operating systems at the time of version release, and problems may be encountered if a machine is not at this minimum patch level. Supported released versions are continuously tested against the recommended operating system, and incompatibilities that new patches might introduce will be addressed via a new Cinegy software release where appropriate.
To ensure compatibility and optimal performance, users should verify the compatibility of their chosen SDI card with the operating system.