
Cinegy Workspace is a unique integrated platform used to maximize efficiency when working with Cinegy Archive database and provide web access through a user-friendly interface to media assets and production workflows.

Cinegy Workspace allows users to connect remotely through the Internet to their Cinegy Archive database in order to view and edit content in web format. The number of simultaneous connections to the Cinegy Workspace portal server depends on the server capacity and the network bandwidth.

Cinegy Workspace requires the dedicated license. Please contact your local reseller to obtain one.

Services Installation

Prior to Cinegy Workspace installation, it is required to install components as described below.

Cinegy Archive Service

Make sure you have the Cinegy Archive Service up and running. The detailed installation and setup instructions are available here.

You need to install a USB hardware dongle with connection license to the machine where the Cinegy Archive Service is launched in order to use Cinegy Workspace.

Refer to the Cinegy License Service paragraph for information on the hardware dongle installation.

Cinegy Image Service

Run the ImageService.Setup.msi file and simply follow the installation wizard instructions.

Cinegy Image Service

Next navigate to the folder where the Cinegy Image Service was installed to and run the ImageService.Configurator.GUI.exe file. On the "Generic" tab, modify the port used by the service according to your requirements.

Cinegy Image Service Configuration Generic Tab

After that, hover the mouse cursor over the crossed "Not secured" message and press the "Reserve" button in the "ACL" section:

Reserve connection

Then go to the "Windows service" tab.

Cinegy Image Service Configuration Windows Service

In the "Settings" section define the user credentials under which the Cinegy Image Service will be installed and which has the corresponding rights to access the network shares containing media files. Define the service start mode, if needed. Press the "Apply" button to apply the changes.

Cinegy Image Service Configuration Credentials

Press the "Install" button to install the Cinegy Image Service as a Windows service. Then press the "Start" button to start the service. The status will change to "Running".

Cinegy Image Service Configuration Windows Service Start

Cinegy Media Asset Management Service

Run MAMS.Setup.msi file and follow the installation wizard instructions.

Cinegy MAMS

Read and accept the license agreement and proceed to the next step:

Cinegy MAMS

Define the installation folder or leave the default one and proceed to the next step. Press the "Install" button to install the Cinegy MAM Service. Then press the "Finish" button to complete the installation.