The Cinegy software user management is based on the Windows Active Directory Services. The Cinegy Archive rights are assigned to domain groups. New users added to the group automatically get access to the Cinegy Archive content.

Cinegy software manages user access rights according to their roles.

Use the corresponding command from the "Server and database settings" submenu of the required database context menu in Object Browser:


Managing User Roles

The "Roles and metadata restrictions" tab contains the following tabs:


Use the "Roles" tab to manage a list of available user roles:


Adding a New User Role

To create a new user role, press the "Add" button:


Enter a name and a description and press "OK". Now you can assign rights to the new role.

Deleting a User Role

To delete a user role, select the role and press the "Delete" button.

It is impossible to delete a user role if there are user groups assigned to it. In this case, the following "Delete Role" message appears:


Metadata Restrictions


This feature allows you to restrict access to specific metadata in the Cinegy Desktop application.

Refer to the Creating a New Metadata Field paragraph for more details.

Assigning Actions to Roles

The "Actions" tab allows you to assign rights to user roles:


Select the checkboxes next to the required rights for the roles.

Make sure a set of rights assigned to a role is consistent. For example, if you give a role the right to view Sequences, make sure "Load Timeline Plug-in" is also permitted; otherwise the user will be able to see Sequences in the explorer window but will not be able to open them on Timeline.
The changes made to the user’s rights will be applied once the user starts the Cinegy Desktop client next time.

Relationship Roles/Actions

Screenshot Actions Description


View a folder

Allows user to view folder objects with their content in the Cinegy Desktop explorer tree.

Edit a folder

Allows user to create, rename, edit metadata and delete folder objects and their content.

Move a Folder

Allows user to move folders with their content; otherwise only copying is allowed.

View a Sequence

Allows user to view Sequences in the Cinegy Desktop explorer tree.

Edit a Sequence

Allows user to rename and delete Sequences, edit Sequence metadata; otherwise they are view-only.

Move a Sequence

Allows user to move Sequences; otherwise only copying is allowed.

View a Roll

Allows user to view Rolls and placeholder MOG objects in the Cinegy Desktop explorer tree.

Edit a Roll

Allows user to rename, delete Rolls, edit Roll metadata and create subclips.

Publish a Roll

Enables Rolls publishing via the "Publish a Roll" command.

Move a Roll

Allows user to move Rolls and placeholder MOG objects; otherwise only copying is allowed.

Actions Description

Delete a Virtual Master Roll

Allows user to delete virtual master Rolls.

Create a Virtual Master Roll

Allows user to create virtual master Rolls.

View a ClipBin

Allows user to view ClipBins with their content in the Cinegy Desktop explorer tree.

Edit a ClipBin

Allows user to create, rename, edit metadata and delete ClipBins, as well as edit their metadata and create subclips.

With the "Edit a ClipBin" action disabled, it is impossible to publish Rolls.

Move a ClipBin

Allows user to move ClipBins; otherwise only copying is allowed.

View a DocumentBin

Allows user to view DocumentBins in the Cinegy Desktop explorer tree and browse their content.

Edit a DocumentBin

Allows user to create, rename, edit metadata and delete DocumentBins and their content.

Move a DocumentBin

Allows user to move DocumentBins; otherwise only copying is allowed.

View a master clip

Allows user to view master clips in the Rolls.

Edit a master clip

Allows user to create, edit, delete master clips and edit their metadata.

View a clip

Allows user to view clips in the ClipBins; otherwise the ClipBins are shown as empty.

Edit a clip

Allows user to rename, delete and copy clips within Clip­Bins, as well as edit the clip’s metadata and create subclips.

Move a Clip

Allows user to move clips between ClipBins; otherwise only copying is allowed.

View the High quality

Allows user to preview nodes in the high quality.

"Media offline" is displayed instead of the clip for unauthorized users.

View the Medium quality

Allows user to preview nodes in the medium quality.

"Media offline" is displayed instead of the clip for unauthorized users.

Edit a Root

Allows user to edit any object and create new ones in the tree root; otherwise only folder renaming is allowed in the Cinegy Desktop explorer tree.

View full paths

Allows user to view full paths to the objects in the clip properties dialogs.

Edit metadata

Allows user to edit the node metadata; otherwise only renaming is allowed.

Edit a global profile

Allows user to create and edit global schemas in the Cinegy Ingest plug-in.

This option is obsolete.

Garbage sweeping

Allows user to use Cinegy Media Cleaner for cleaning unused data from essence storages.

Do not show warnings

Disables the display of warnings in Cinegy Desktop.

Interdatabase operations

Allows user to perform the operations with nodes (copy, paste, etc.) between multiple databases.

Copy rolls without files

Allows user to copy Rolls between multiple databases without their footages.

The "Allow to copy Rolls without footages" option must also be set to "True" in the "Global parameters" tab of the Global Settings configuration group to enable the interdatabase copying with footages in Cinegy Desktop.

Export media

Allows user to export media both from Timeline and the ClipBins in sequence mode.

Create a Job

Allows user to create the Cinegy Convert jobs within job drop folders.

View a Job

Displays the job folders subtree in the Cinegy Desktop explorer tree.

Edit a Job

Allows user to edit the Cinegy Convert jobs within job drop folders.

Shutdown Tasks

Enables execution of the shutdown production tasks.

Story Approve

Allows user to approve and edit approved Stories in the Story Editor.

Edit Approved Story

Allows user to edit the Story approved by other user.

Edit News Rundown

Allows user to edit Rundowns in News Manager.

Load the Cinegy ingest plug-in

Allows user to load the Cinegy Ingest plug-in.

"View the high quality" and "View the medium quality" must also be enabled to load the Cinegy Ingest plug-in. This option is obsolete.

Load the timeline plug-in

Allows user to load the Cinegy Timeline plug-in; also makes Sequences and News items visible in the Cinegy Desktop explorer tree.

Sequences are not shown in the explorer tree with this option disabled.

Edit a Type template

Allows user to create Cinegy Type scenes in the DocumentBin.

Edit sequence templates

Allows user to edit custom Timeline presets.

View Newswire

Allows user to view Newswires with their content within Cinegy Desktop.

Save story template

Allows user to save the story template in the Story Editor.

Manage Media Storage

This option is reserved for future use.

Authentication and Access

Assigning database roles to user groups of the Windows Active Directory Domain is managed by means of SQL Server Management Studio functionality.

To check the assigned Cinegy Archive database user roles for a particular user group, use the "Connection info" command from the Cinegy Desktop main menu. For users from the non-administrative user group it will be "public" + at least one "Cinegy user role".

Refer to the Cinegy Desktop User Interface article for the detailed description of the "Connection info" command.

User Activity and Objects

The "User activity and objects" tab allows you to monitor all activities of Cinegy software users. It also displays all objects that have been locked by any user. The administrator can select necessary locks in the Cinegy Archive database and delete them. This is sometimes useful when a client computer crashes, leaving some objects locked, or when a user is absent and it is necessary to continue work with the locked Sequence or bin.

  • The "Host name" checkbox displays the computer name the user is currently working on.

  • "Program name" shows the name of Cinegy application that is connected to Cinegy Archive.

Locked Objects

Here you can manage nodes locked in the current database.


To unlock all nodes for a certain user, select its name from the list and press the top "Unlock selected" button. To unlock separate node(s) for the given user, choose the node(s) from the table below and press the "Unlock selected" button next to it.

User Profiles

All user profiles traced in the current database are listed in the "User profiles" tab:



To delete a user profile, choose it from the list and press the "Delete selected" button. Multiple selection and deletion are also available here.

The "Display only for" option enables/disables showing the list of locked objects and user profiles only for the selected in the "User activity" list user or for those users which are inactive, depending on the position of the radio button.

The administrator can also unlock Rolls after failed capture/import.
Press the "Stop and exit the application" button to stop the task and force the selected application to close.