Main Configuration
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Common Settings
Press the "Common settings" button, the following dialog appears:

Engine Mode
Cinegy Capture engine mode is defined by choosing one of the available options:
Capture Pro
Capture Solo
Capture Desktop
Capture Appliance
The corresponding hardware dongle license should be available for the selected Cinegy Capture engine mode to be enabled. Please contact the Cinegy Sales Team to get information on purchasing Cinegy Capture editions. |
Capture Desktop Edition mode is linked to the Cinegy Desktop license. It can be only installed locally together with Cinegy Desktop installation, and can only perform capture jobs if Cinegy Desktop is running. |
The Capture Appliance Edition is not available for public sale. |
Primary Network Interface
The "Primary network interface" drop-down list contains all the current network adapter IPs installed on the machine running Cinegy Capture Manager. Selecting the appropriate network adapter ensures stable network load balancing.
If the "Auto" option is selected, Cinegy Capture Agent will use the random available network adapter IP instead of the specific IP address. This option should be used if Capture engines are installed over the internet and controlled by "remote" Capture Controls. |
Selection of the network adapter IP to be used should be based on system administrator recommendations. |
Logger Settings
To help the user manage Cinegy Capture Service logs, the following parameters are provided:
Logging level - set the logging level to "Debug" for generating a full log, "Normal" for creating a log file containing error messages only, and "None" for no logging.
Roll interval – specify the frequency of a new log file creation;
Max archived files – define the maximum number of log files to be created in the specified "Roll interval" period (0 means no restriction on the number of files);
Roll size – limit the log file size.
To view the created log files folder, press the "Open log folder" button. |
Master Account Control
Here, you can specify the account under which the service is started. You can use the local system account or a specific account with sufficient permissions (including the 'log on as a service' privilege). Using an account without sufficient permissions or rights will cause outright failure or faults, which will be tracked in diagnostic logs. You need to enter the login name and the password for this specific account in the corresponding fields.
Make sure the user account under which the service is running has enough privileges to write to network shares used for Cinegy Capture tasks. |
If the ping function is disabled by the system administrator, which means that the ping request to check the validity of paths for ingest is blocked, select the "Do not use Ping to check the storage availability" option.
All changes will be applied only after the service restart. |
Adding Service
To add a new service, press the "Add" button. Having pressed the "Add" button, a new service instance will be added to the "Servers" list and installed. |

It is possible to add and configure only one Cinegy Capture Service in Capture Desktop Edition mode. |
Once installed, the "Cinegy Capture Service (N)" is added as a regular Windows service. Now you can start the service directly from Cinegy Capture Manager simply by pressing the "Start" button:

The settings are not defined for the service started for the first time.

Service Configuration
To set up the specified Cinegy Capture engine service, press the "Configure" button; the Capture engine configuration wizard appears:

This configuration window is split into the following sections: Common settings, Audio settings, Preview settings, and Metadata processing.
Common Settings
Here, define common settings for your engine service:

Allow to edit in Control application – select this option to enable editing parameters available in the engine settings panel.
NotePlease note that if this option is not selected, engine settings will not be displayed on the engine settings panel. -
Input TV format – choose the source TV format from the drop-down list and define whether 8- or 10-bit stream processing should be used.
ImportantFor the list of supported TV formats refer to the Cinegy Capture System Recommendations. -
Color primaries – use the drop-down list to define the chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries. The table below presents the available options depending on the selected input TV format and the defined bit depth:
TV Format Bit Depth Color Primaries PAL SD, NTSC SD
8 bit
Auto-detect automatically
BT.601 - ITU-R Recommendation BT.601 also known as Rec. 601 (former name CCIR 601)
BT.709 - ITU-R Recommendation BT.709 also known as Rec. 709 or BT.709
BT.2020 - ITU-R Recommendation also known as Rec.2020
NoteThe selected options for color primaries take effect only when Apple ProRes and AVC-Ultra 4K Intra encoders are used. -
Video Accelerator - use the drop-down list to select whether the default CPU or an external graphics card will be used for encoding and processing.
NoteThe drop-down list options depend on the graphics card(s) installed on your machine. NoteCurrently, only NVIDIA-based accelerator is supported, other types might not work properly. NoteMake sure that the GPU card selected as the video accelerator supports interlace field coding; otherwise, interlaced encoding processing will fail even if an appropriate GPU device is selected for the video encoder. -
Capture source – the video stream capturing source type. This parameter is mandatory.
ImportantRefer to the Capture Source article for the list of supported input devices. -
Channel description – the custom channel description to be used as the engine service name. If this field is left empty, common numbering is used (Engine (1), Engine (2), etc.).
Audio Settings
Here, the configuration of audio tracks for your engine service is displayed:

The "Audio channels" field contains the list of configured audio channels.
Please note that in Cinegy Capture Pro the number of configured audio channels is unlimited. |
In the "VU Zero Position" field the VU meter zero level has to be defined.
Audio Channel Configuration
Press the "Add" button next to the "Audio channels" field; a new PCM stereo track will be added to the audio channels list. |
Press the "Remove" button to delete the currently selected audio channel. |
Press the "Edit" button to change the currently selected audio channel; the "Audio Channel Configuration" dialog box appears: |
Select the audio channel type from the "Audio channel type" drop-down list. There are 3 types currently supported:
PCM stereo
AC-3 downmix
AC-3 decoder
Nielsen Watermarking
The "Nielsen watermarking" group provides parameters for Nielsen watermarking encoding configuration. Check this option to enable watermarking functionality.
The following parameters are available for configuration:
SID – Nielsen source ID. One or more SIDs are assigned to each content provider or distribution source. Included as a component of each watermark, the SID uniquely identifies the distribution source.
Check digits – two upper-case alpha characters, corresponding to the SID assigned by Nielsen.
Distribution type – specify the watermark type: Program Content or Final Distributor. Typically, Program Content watermarks are assigned to syndication content or content providers (i.e., broadcast networks, etc.), while Final Distributor watermarks are assigned to local broadcast affiliates or cable network content.
Watermarking – define the type of watermarking to activate this session. The following types are available for choosing:
NAES II – for Legacy NAES II watermarking;
NAES VI – for NAES VI watermarking;
Both – for NAES II and NAES VI activation.
Existing watermarks – determine the method of handling a second Final Distributor code if Final Distributor codes are already present in the stream (NAES II HF and NAES VI). The options are:
Overwrite – the original watermarks are replaced with new ones;
Preserve – pre-existing watermarks are left intact; new watermarks are inserted only in portions of the audio stream where there are no pre-existing watermarks.
Please note, that legacy NAES II watermarks will be overwritten and Nielsen watermarks NAES VI will be appended. Unlike NAES II watermarking, processing Nielsen watermarks does not support overwriting of audio codes that are present in the stream before the watermarking process begins. Instead, the watermark engine leaves space for the second (and possibly the third) Final Distributor SID in the program band. |
Preview Settings

Press the "Add" button next to the "Previews" field to add a new stream preview to the list. |
Select the preview type and press the "Edit" button to edit the corresponding stream preview configuration. |
Press the "Remove" button to remove the selected stream preview from the list. |
You can control the selected stream preview directly from the "Preview settings" panel using the toggle button located next to the stream preview for its enabling/disabling. The toggle button is displayed in green when stream preview is enabled and in red – when disabled. |
The "Preview Settings" configuration parameters depend on the selected preview type: MPEG-TS or Shared RAM.
MPEG-TS Preview Configuration
MPEG-TS stream generation is not supported in Capture Desktop Edition mode. |
When the "MPEG-TS Preview" type is selected, the corresponding parameters should be configured:

Name – enter the MPEG-TS preview name to be displayed in Cinegy Capture user interfaces.
Common Settings
Broadcast mode – choose the data transmission method (unicast or multicast).
Preview size – choose the preview size by selecting the appropriate preview resolution from the drop-down list. This enables video stream downscaling to the defined size. The "Original" value means no downscaling.
TipThe preview sizes list may vary, depending on the TV format of your engine specified via Cinegy Capture Manager. It is recommended to choose the smallest preview size to optimize the CPU load when using mobile devices for the capture process control.
Stream Settings
Stream type – specify the stream type: RTP, UDP, or SRT.
ImportantFor detailed information, please refer to the RTP/UDP/SRT URL Format article. -
IP address – enter the destination IP. In unicast mode, enter the destination station address and port here. In multicast mode, enter the IP and port of the multicast group that will be used for multicasting.
Use this button to copy the full RTP/UDP/SRT preview URL to the clipboard.
TS packets – specify the number of transport stream packets placed in the payload portion of the RTP/UDP/SRT packet.
NoteRefer to the network technical documentation for more information on RTP/UDP/SRT packets.
Source Parameters
Primary source IP – use the drop-down list to select the IP address of the local network adapter that will be used for multicasting.
Backup source IP – use the drop-down list to select the IP address of the local network adapter that will be used for multicasting instead of the primary source IP in the event of its random failure.
NoteIt is recommended to set up a static IP address for this adapter. The "Primary source IP" and "Backup source IP" parameters affect multicast mode only. -
Time to live (TTL) – define the number of routers (hops) that multicast traffic is permitted to pass through before expiring in the network.
NoteThe "TTL" parameter affects multicast mode only. ImportantRefer to the network technical documentation for more information on the TTL option.
Compression Options
Here, you can define such parameters as video encoder type (MPEG-2, H.264 or H.264 NVIDIA GPU, HEVC NVIDIA GPU, Daniel2, Daniel2 NVIDIA GPU), bitrate, chroma subsampling type (4:2:0, 4:2:2), encoding method (vary depending on the selected encoder type), the length and type of the GOP sequence.
The recommended bitrate value and GOP parameters are adjusted automatically according to the selected preview size and preview encoder; however, they can be changed afterward according to your needs. |
Select the "Closed GOP" checkbox to set the closed GOP type.
The closed GOP is not available for Daniel2 and Daniel2 NVIDIA GPU video encoders. |
Define the audio type and its associated audio bitrate by choosing the desired options from corresponding drop-down lists.
Real-time Preview Configuration
To set up the real-time preview configuration, select the H.264 video encoder to use for rendering.
The "Enable WEB preview" option enables/disables real-time preview mode in Cinegy Capture Web Control. |
Selecting the "Enable WEB preview" option automatically adjusts required compression parameters for real-time preview in Cinegy Capture Web Control:
Refer to the Cinegy Capture Web Control Manual to learn about controlling Cinegy engines remotely from any mobile device. |
Shared RAM Preview Configuration
When the "Shared RAM preview" type is selected, the corresponding parameters should be configured:

Name – enter the Shared RAM preview name to be displayed in Cinegy Capture user interfaces.
Common Settings
Output name – defines the name of the Cinegy Capture Service stream in the shared RAM.
Global namespace – check this option to enable sharing between several users on the machine, or between applications and services.
Preview size – choose the preview size by selecting an appropriate preview resolution from the drop-down list. This enables video stream downscaling to the defined size. The "Original" value means no downscaling.
TipThe preview size list may vary, depending on the TV format of your engine specified via Cinegy Capture Manager. It is recommended to choose the smallest preview size to optimize the CPU load when using very large streams for the capture process control.
Having specified preview parameters, press "OK" to add the configured stream preview to the list.
The selected stream preview will be displayed in the "Preview" list. You can add as many stream previews of different types as you need.
Metadata Processing

Data processing – enables/disables the embedded VANC (Vertical Ancillary Data Space) data stream capturing.
Timecode Settings
Having configured all the necessary parameters, press "Next" to set up the timecode settings.

In the "Timecode settings" configuration group define the following parameters:
Source – select the timecode source from the drop-down list.
The "PC clock" timecode source is set by default which means that the current PC time will be used for timecode generation. Having selected the capture source, more timecode sources become available, for example, analog (A)LTC or VITC, digital HANC embedded RP188, digital SDI embedded DVITC, DLTC or RS422, etc.
NoteThe list of available timecode sources depends on the capture source type currently selected. NoteIf the selected timecode source does not provide timecodes, the timecode monitoring window on the Capture panel in Cinegy Capture Control will display --:--:--:-- indication, and the start of the capture session will not be possible.
Timecode type – choose the required timecode type for the capture session from DF (Drop-frame) and NDF (Non-drop-frame) options.
NoteThe "Timecode type" option is topical only for sources in the NTSC standard. -
Processing mode – choose timecode processing mode for timecode normalizing. The following options are available:
None – no additional processing; only original timecodes received from the selected source are used.
Free run – original timecodes received from the selected source are used if the Cinegy Capture Service is idle. When the capture session starts, timecodes are generated by adding 1 frame to the initial value of the session with the selected TV format frequency. Any timecode loss or inconsistency from the timecode source is ignored during the capture session.
NoteIf no timecode from the selected source is provided, the capture session cannot be started. -
Handle frames count – original timecodes provided by the selected source are used if the Cinegy Capture Service is idle. When the capture session starts, the initial timecode value is taken from the selected timecode source. Timecode is generated by adding 1 frame to the initial value of the session with the selected TV format frequency. Any timecode loss or inconsistency with the timecode source is ignored during N frames capturing. Then, the timecode value is taken from the timecode source (each N frames). If the taken timecode is inconsistent with the current generated one and the inconsistency is greater than the maximum value defined in the timecode analyzer for the current Capture template, the timecode break will be detected.
NoteIf no timecode from the selected source is provided, the capture session cannot be started. -
Adaptive – original timecodes received from the selected source are used if the Cinegy Capture Service is idle. When the capture session starts, the timecode from the selected source is used. In case of timecode loss from the timecode source during the capture session, the timecode will be generated by adding 1 frame to the initial value of the session with the selected TV format frequency. If the timecode from the selected source recovers and the taken timecode is inconsistent with the current generated one and the inconsistency is greater than the maximum value defined in the timecode analyzer for the current Capture template, the timecode break will be detected.
NoteIf no timecode from the selected source is provided, the capture session cannot be started.
Substitution settings – check the "Always use fixed start timecode" option and define the start timecode in the hours:minutes:seconds:frames format, which will be applied for every capture session. In this case, the specified timecode will be used as the start timecode for every capture session, ignoring in such a way the start of the actual timecode from the timecode source.
NoteThis option automatically substitutes the defined timecode source and processing mode by the PC clock in the "Free run" processing mode.
Buffer Settings
Encoding buffer – the number of frames allocated in the memory to handle short system performance downfalls. A value of 50 is suitable for SD or I-frame HD encoding. Higher values, such as 100, are recommended for Long GOP recordings or machines with more available RAM.
File writer buffer – defines the buffer size of writing files in Mb to handle short storage performance downfalls.
Scaling Settings
According to your requirements, here you can choose one of the following scaling presets for your Capture engine: "Best performance", "Best quality" or "Balanced".
Capture Source Settings
Having configured all the necessary timecode parameters, press "Next" to set up the parameters corresponding to the selected capture source type.
Refer to the Capture Source article to get more information on the specific capture source type configuration. |
Verifying Capture Engine Configuration
Proceed with the setup; the defined configuration summary will be displayed for review. Press the "Finish" button and wait until the specified settings are applied:

Once successfully configured, the particular engine is ready to perform the recording and continues running even after the Cinegy Capture Manager application is closed.
The "Cinegy Capture Service (N)" will be added to the list of Windows services running:

Administrator rights are required to start/stop the Cinegy Capture Service. |
The dynamically updated stream preview along with the engine status and configuration information will be displayed:

Having configured the stream preview types, it is possible to set whether the picture preview or real-time one will be displayed in the preview window. To do this, right-click anywhere within the preview window:

Check the "Realtime Preview" option to enable real-time preview; otherwise, the picture preview is enabled.
The services are completely separated from any GUI elements or each other: the Cinegy Capture Manager application can be closed while the services keep running. |
Interface Overview
The interface of the Cinegy Capture Manager "Main" tab consists of several panels:

The Engine Services panel lists all the added Cinegy Capture Services as well as allows selecting the configured Cinegy Capture Services.
The Service information and Engine information panels list the parameters defined via common engine settings and Capture engine general settings.
The configured engine input source details are displayed in the Engine input panel.
The engine previews are available on the corresponding Engine previews panel. The checkmark next to the preview name indicates that it is enabled. The data of the corresponding engine preview can be copied to the clipboard and then be defined as the input name for another Cinegy application installed on the same machine (e.g., Shared RAM); or for playback by the multimedia player (e.g., RTP signal path).
The Selected preview window shows the currently selected preview.