Inventory Browser enables using Cinegy Inventory Browser as a built-in part of the Cinegy Studio interface. Use the "Inventory Browser" command of the layout editing mode context menu:


The built-in Inventory Browser fills the full width and the remaining height of the layout panel, on which its display is enabled.

Inventory Browser comprises three modules:

The "Cinegy Browser" and the "Cinegy Search" tabs provide access to the Cinegy Archive database and are only available with Cinegy Desktop installed on the machine running Cinegy Studio.

Cinegy Browser

Cinegy Browser is designed for efficient navigation through the Cinegy Archive database. This module allows you to browse content of the database in a tree-like structure located in the left-hand part of the panel. The right-hand part displays the content of each folder or bin selected in the database tree.


Each container can be expanded or collapsed by pressing the expand and collapse buttons correspondingly. The content of any expanded folder can be sorted by name, type and name, creation date or type and creation date. To do this, select the corresponding option from the "Arrange by" context menu command:

The collapsed folders content cannot be sorted.

As soon as you click a ClipBin or Roll, all clips will be displayed on the "Preview" tab. Clicking a DocumentBin will display its content as thumbnails on the "Preview" tab.

The selected clip, Sequence, Cinegy Title template or Story can be dragged-and-dropped directly to Cinegy Studio Rundown and Media Pool playlist.

Double-clicking a Cinegy Title template will open it in the viewer. When the template is dragged-and-dropped to the playlist, the "CG Browser" dialog appears allowing you to preview it and edit its parameters, if needed.

Double-clicking the clip or Sequence will open it in the viewer:

Refer to the Playlist Item Preview paragraph to learn about clip handling in the viewer.

If all video qualities for a particular footage are unavailable, the clip thumbnails will be displayed as follows:

media offline icons in browser

The system displays the "Media Offline" text instead of showing the media material in the viewer. Such clips are not allowed to be added to the Cinegy Studio local playlist.


The audio-only clips are indicated with the waveform icon. The system performs the audio only playback in the viewer displaying the waveform of the audio.

When high quality is not available for the clip, the following dialog box appears when you try to drag-and-drop it to the local playlist:

missing footages_drag-and-drop2


Press the "Restore" button to retrieve unavailable files of the clip moved to the HSM (Hierarchical Storage Management) from the Cinegy Archive database.

autodegradate button

Press the "Autodegradate" button to switch the clip to the next available quality. For example, if high quality is required, but not available and medium quality is available, the autodegradation will switch the clip to medium quality.

restore and autodegradate button

Press the "Restore & autodegradate" button to retrieve unavailable files stored on the HSM and in case of failure to switch the clip to the next available quality.


There are a number of view options to display the content of the folder or container (Roll, ClipBin, DocumentBin, etc.). To change view, click the "Change your view" icon and select the corresponding option:

The "Change your view" icon will look different depending on the view you have chosen.

You can use the slider to manually change the thumbnails scale between medium and extra large icon size.

The built-in Inventory Browser allows searching through the Cinegy Archive database. Go to the "Cinegy Search" tab of Inventory Browser to perform search operations within the Cinegy Archive database and view the search results.


All the nodes found according to the search request will be listed with their thumbnails.


To start searching, enter your request in the "Search" field via the keyboard and press the "Search" button or hit Enter.

Refer to the Finding section to learn how to search for items within the playlist.

Press the SearchEx_advanced_button button next to the search field to show/hide advanced search options:


Enter your search request in the "Searching for the terms" field.

It is possible to narrow the search with the creation or modification time by specifying time scale in the "Narrowed by items" field.

You can also define the search location in the "Searching within" field. Press the Search_within button and define the search location using the "Searching within" dialog:


To narrow the search up to specific node types, press the Consisting_of_these_items button next to the "Consisting of these items" field and select the desired asset type(s):


You can make additional limitations to your search. This can be done by adding conditions to the metadata fields. To do this, add a row in the bottom part of the advanced parameters configuration group by pressing the expand button.

Refer to the Advanced Search paragraph within the Cinegy Desktop Manual for detailed information about advanced search parameters configuration.

Search Request Syntax

It is possible to use multiple words for search. In this case, they are connected with the logical AND.

It is also possible to use AND, OR and NOT operators, as well as brackets. If you enter several words separated by a space, the operator AND is assumed.

The wildcard * is also allowed.

The following tables explain the search request syntax in detail.


Expression Description Example

any word

All forms of that word

man will find man and men


The exact string

"man*" will find man*


Any string of zero or more characters

man* will find man, many, manuscript, manner and so on


Any single character

?ean will find Dean, Sean and so on


Any single character within the range [a-k] or within the set [abcdef]

[C-P]arsen will find Carsen, Larsen, Karsen and so on


Any single character not within the range [^a-k] or the set [^abcdef]

de[^l]* will find the words beginning with de where the third letter is not l

"%exact phrase%"

The exact word combination or phrase

"%folder #1%" will find folder #1

If the "?" symbol is placed at the beginning or at the end of the word, it is processed as the "*" wildcard, i.e. "?" will be substituted by one or more characters.
When using the expression with a range of symbols (written in square brackets) and performing search within some text rather than searching for a single word, add the "*" symbol at the beginning and at the end of the search expression. For example, if you are searching within some text for the words starting with any symbol of the [b-t] range and the second part of which is "end", use the following search expression:
When using the "%exact phrase%" expression, please note that the search process may take a long time, especially in large databases.
The natural-language search is language dependent. Your SQL server must have the search engine for the language you are using; otherwise, the search function will not work.


Operator Shortcut Description Example


& or space

Logical AND

red monkey
Joe & Willy
black AND white



Logical OR

Joe | Willy
purse OR life



Logical NOT

Joe NOT Willy

( )

Logical grouping

(~red monkey) | (John Smith)



Matching a specified pattern

LIKE *land

Search Results

The search results are displayed on the left-hand panel:


If the search comes up with more than one page of search results, use the inventory browser_prev_button and inventory browser_next_button buttons to navigate the search result pages.

You can define the number of search results to be displayed per page by choosing the corresponding option from the "Results per page" pull-down list or entering the value from 10 to 2000 via the keyboard. The total number of search result items is displayed in the "Displayed" field.

Refer to the Search Results paragraph in the Cinegy Desktop Manual for detailed information on metadata display for the found objects.

File Browser

File Browser provides access to the materials stored on your local computer or a shared location. It is used to compose the playlists with MCRitems (clips from Sequences, bins and Rolls that have been exported to the inventory folder) and text files. This is useful for viewing previously created Cinegy Title templates.


The right-hand panel displays only files of Cinegy Studio supported formats for Video and Graphics devices, as well as text files that can be used as Prompter device items.

In order to add an item or items from the Inventory Browser to a playlist, simply use drag-and-drop.

The item(s) will be inserted with the aspect ratio, defined in the Cinegy Studio Configurator.