Manual Launch
Reading time ~1 minutes
This mode is mainly used for troubleshooting. |
The Cinegy Playout can be started manually by running the PlayOutExApp.exe file. However, you will have to restart it manually each time the Cinegy Playout application is closed.
When the Cinegy Playout is started manually, the following window appears:

Head 0 and Head 1 progress bars represent buffer filling; they vary while playlist items are played back. One Head displays buffer filling for the currently played item while the other Head shows the cued item.
To close this application, press the "Close" button. If any problems occur during your work with the Cinegy Playout application, you can create a dump file by pressing the "Debug!" button and send it to the Cinegy Support Team via e-mail. The memory dump file contains register states, descriptions of where the problems originated, plus workflow and other debug data. A dump file is created automatically in the unlikely event of a Cinegy Playout failure.