Working with Media Cleaner
Reading time ~7 minutes
Opening the Tool
Right-click a Roll in the explorer window and choose the "Media cleaner" command:

The "Media cleaner" command is not available if your roles do not have the "Garbage sweeping" rights. Refer to the Assigning Actions to Roles paragraph in the Cinegy Archive Manager Manual for details on assigning rights to user roles. |
The "Media Cleaner" window appears:

You can maximize your "Media Cleaner" window with the "Maximize" button or by double-clicking its caption.
The "Media Cleaner" window consists of three main parts:
media utilization (on the top);
media bin (in the center);
media references (the right panel).
Media Utilization Panel
This panel represents graphically the overall usage of the footage throughout the entire system. In addition, the total usage of the essence is shown here:

Zero percentage means the current Roll is not being used in any projects in the system. |
To change the current position of the time slider, simply click the time ruler.
The current frame will be displayed in the "Roll usage info" viewer, the time slider will move synchronously with the time slider in the media utilization panel and when timeline is scaled up, the time slider is displayed as two lines representing the edges of one frame (beginning and end):

The region selected in the media bin panel is marked with a red line in the time ruler.
When a part of essence is not referenced from any project, it is displayed as a darker "hole" on the timeline:

Unused data can be deleted from the media files (for all the qualities in parallel) thus decreasing its size in the storage.
The system adds "handles" on every boundary of the referenced material to allow proper trim removing of the clips. These fragments are displayed with a hatched pattern.
Default handle duration is 1 second and it can be changed via Cinegy Archive Manager. Refer to the Media Cleaner paragraph within the Cinegy Archive Manager Manual for details. |
If the duration of an unused area is less than its handles, it will not be chosen for compacting. |
The bottom left corner of the utilization panel contains the time scale control:

Set the scale to 100% to fit the Roll into the media utilization panel. |
Generally, the media utilization panel is designed to be consistent with the main Cinegy Desktop Timeline. Refer to the Timeline Interface article for more details. |
Media Bin

Interface of the Cinegy Media Cleaner media bin resembles the standard Cinegy Desktop ClipBin interface, but has certain limitations (for example, the "Insert" and "Overwrite" operations are not available in Cinegy Media Cleaner).
Refer to the Handling Bins article to learn how to work with bins. |
The upper right corner of a clip thumbnail shows the number of different objects throughout the entire database that refer to that clip. The red zero shows that the clip is not used. When deleting a clip from a media bin, you will be asked to confirm deletion, which is mainly handy in case if the selected node has references to other objects:

Media References Panel

All the nodes that use (i.e. refer to) the clips selected in the media bin are listed in the right panel.
To view the content of an object from the list, double-click it. The corresponding container will be opened. Now you can navigate through the material to make a decision to keep or remove it.
The same command is available from the context menu. This menu appears when you right-click the list in the media references panel:

The context menu contains the following commands:
Open – opens the corresponding ClipBin or Sequence for viewing;
Open in a new window – opens a bin in a new window if there is already at least one bin window open. You can also use the Shift+double-click combination to perform the same operation;
Highlight in explorer – finds the corresponding item in the explorer window and highlights it;
Delete – deletes the selected nodes.
Select all – selects all the nodes in the list;
Invert the selection – inverts the current objects selection.

The toolbar represents the following commands:
The "Playback in a clip viewer" command opens the selected clip in Clip Viewer for preview. |
The "Main tool" menu provides access to a number of functions for working with clips. |
The "Minimize" button minimizes the "Media Cleaner" window. |
The "Maximize" button maximizes the "Media Cleaner" window. |
The "Close" button closes the "Media Cleaner" window. |
Main Tool Menu
The "Main tool" menu contains a number of commands similar to commands provided by the standard ClipBin and Roll context menus.
The "Delete" command removes the selected clips from the loaded Roll and all the objects referring to these clips.
Context Menu
Right-click somewhere in the media utilization area to get this menu:

Clear the Archived Status
The Roll is marked with the archived status after it has been compacted and/or moved to the archive storage.
Press "Clear the archived status" to clear the archived status for the current Roll.
This function is only available for Rolls with the archived status. |
Compact Footage
The "Compact footage" function is used for cleaning unused essence data from the Roll, for audio and video in all the qualities.

If the duration of an unused area is less than its handles, it will not be chosen for compacting. |
This is how the Roll looks in Cinegy Media Cleaner before and after compacting:
Before compacting |
After compacting |
The "Compact footage" command launches a separate dialog box displaying the information about all existing media qualities. Select the Archive or Regular media group type from the drop-down list:

Select the "Delete the old Roll" checkbox to delete the current Roll after compacting has been completed:

The new Roll will get the current Roll name.
If this option is not selected, the new Roll name will be identical to the original Roll name with the addition of a version number enclosed in brackets as it is shown below:

Select the "Delete the old footage" checkbox to delete the current Roll footages after the operation has been completed. This option is only available when the "Remove original files" option is set to "True" in Cinegy Archive Manager.
Press "Start" to begin the compacting operation. The confirmation dialog box appears:

This operation cannot be undone! |
Press "OK" to continue.
The following window with compacting operation progress appears:

The new Roll will have the archived status.
Compacting operation may fail for some specific media with the following error in system log:

This means that handles of the referenced material should be increased to at least 3 seconds via Cinegy Archive Manager.
Refer to the Media Cleaner paragraph within the Cinegy Archive Manager Manual for details. |
Copy Roll to the Archive Storage
This option is used for copying Roll essence data to the archive storage. Usually you build cheaper and bigger secondary RAID storage to move the "outdated" footage into. This means that faster and more expensive primary storage can be used for capture/import and for "hot" clips.
This command launches a "Copy Roll" dialog box:

From the drop-down list select the target media group which will be used to copy the compacted media files. Select the "Delete the old Roll" checkbox to delete the current Roll after it has been copied.
Select the "Delete the old footage" checkbox to delete the current Roll footages after it has been copied.
Now press the "Start" button to begin the copying operation. The confirmation dialog box appears:

This operation cannot be undone! |
Press "OK" to continue.
The new Roll will have the archived status.
Delete the Unused Roll with Its Footages
This command is only available for completely unused Rolls. Select the "Delete the unused Roll with its footages" command to remove the current Roll from your database along with all its media files from the Cinegy Archive storage:

Before the Roll is deleted, the confirmation dialog box appears:

This operation cannot be undone! |
Press "OK" to confirm the deletion.
Missing Footage
Unavailable Roll footages will be colored with red and marked with N/A ("Not Available") in the clip properties and the "Copy Roll" or "Compact footages" dialog boxes:

For Rolls with missing footages all the garbage sweeping commands are disabled. This will be reported by the corresponding error:

If all the Roll qualities are not available, the "Missing Footage" warning will be displayed directly in the media utilization area: