Cinegy Newswire Configuration
Reading time ~3 minutes
The Cinegy Newswire Service configuration is performed with the Newswire Service Configurator. The configurator can be launched from Start > Cinegy > Cinegy Newswire Configuration. |
It has dedicated tabs for configuring newswires, Cinegy Archive Service, Windows service and logging parameters.
It is required to launch the Cinegy Newswire Service Configurator using the "Run as administrator" command; otherwise the service will not start. |
Windows Service
To run the Cinegy Newswire Service as a Windows service, go to the "Windows service" tab of the configurator to install and launch the service:

The service display name and description are filled in by the system.
The status indication uses the following coloring:
Color indication | Service status |
Service is not installed. |
Service is not started. |
Service start is pending. |
Service is running. |
Press the "Install" button in the "Installation" field. |
Once the service is installed, it should be started manually by pressing the "Start" button in the "State" field. |
In case of failure to install/start the service, an error message with the reason of failure appears:

The service can be uninstalled, stopped or restarted by pressing the corresponding buttons:

Cinegy Newswire Service can also be monitored as a standard Windows service:

Cinegy Archive Service
The Cinegy Newswire Service connects to the database via the Cinegy Archive Service. Specify all the necessary parameters on the corresponding tab:

CAS Server – the URL of the machine where the Cinegy Archive Service is running;
SQL Server – a name of the SQL server hosting the current Cinegy Archive database;
Database – the Cinegy Archive database name;
Domain – the domain name;
Login – the user name;
Password – the logon password.
Having specified all parameters, press the "Check connection" button to verify the connection. |
If the settings are correct, the corresponding message appears; otherwise the error message will be displayed.
On this tab the log files creation parameters are defined:

Error level – select the necessary level of errors (0 – 5).
Trace level – manually choose the debug log level by changing the value (0 – 5)
Log folder – define the location of the log file where the sequence of operations is recorded. Initially the default log folder defined by the system is indicated in the given field. To change it, press the
button and select the folder where the debug log file in the text format will be stored or simply enter a desired location path via the keyboard.
Log level – define the level for the log file. You can choose between "Full", "Partial", "Custom" level or "None" for no logging.
New log level every (hours) – define how often a new log file is created.
This tab allows user to add, edit and remove newswires:

Press the button to create a new newswire:

Specify the display name for the newswire and choose the news provider from the pull-down list:

To enable the newswire watching, select the "Active" checkbox.
For watching RSS feeds select the "RSS Feeds" from the "Provider" drop-down list and specify the RSS feed URL address in the "Path" field.
You can add as many newswires or RSS feeds as required. |
Press this button to edit the selected newswire or RSS feed. |
Press this button to delete the selected newswire or RSS feed. |
To clear all the newswires, press button.
Having specified all the required parameters, press the "Apply" button to save changes.