Cinegy Desktop provides you with a simple data exchange mechanism by copying all types of objects between databases.

Copying Rolls

To copy a Roll from the source database to a target database, use the usual "Copy" and "Paste" commands or simple drag-and-drop holding the Ctrl key down.

You will be asked to confirm your decision:


Press "OK" to proceed with Roll copying or "Cancel" to abort the process.

The "Copy Roll" dialog box appears:


When copying a folder containing several Rolls or ClipBin/Sequence referring to several Rolls, tick off the "Apply to all" checkbox to copy all objects in one session. Otherwise, you will have to start each object copying manually. If a Roll with no media files is found among the Rolls being copied in one session, the copying will be interrupted and the corresponding message will be added to the system log.

Select the quality (or qualities) you wish to copy to the target database by ticking off the corresponding checkbox(es). When, for example, only "High" quality is selected and it is not available in the Roll you wish to copy and the "Auto-Degradation" option is not ticked off, the Roll footages will be grayed out and you will see "There are no available files to process!" in the "Copy a Roll" dialog:


If the footages of the Roll are totally unavailable, the entire Roll will not be copied to a target database:


In both cases, the Roll copying process will be aborted and the "There are no available files to process!" message will be added to the system log.

Check the "Auto-Degradation" option to switch the clip to the next available quality. For example, if high quality is required, but not available and medium quality is available, the autodegradation will switch the clip to medium quality. The unavailable qualities will not be present in the target Roll.

To keep track of degradation actions performing, select the "Log info about each unregistered quality" option. The corresponding messages will be added to the system log:


Select the media group from the "Copy Roll to media group" drop-down list to be used for new Roll’s media files location.

Press "Start" to begin. The confirmation dialog box appears:


Press "OK" to start the copying process.

The operation time may vary depending on the size of the essence data.
Copying a bunch of Rolls at once is performed sequentially, one by one.

The media files of both the source and target Rolls after the interdatabase copy are identical and the content of the corresponding metadata is the same:

Metadata for fields that do not exist in the target database are not copied from the source database. Also metadata for fields that exist only in the target database are left empty.

If you try to copy a Roll that already exists in the target database, you will be informed about it through the message in the system log.

If you try to copy a Roll that already exists in the target database but is marked as deleted, it will permanently be deleted before copying proceeds. The user is also informed about it through the message in the system log:

Refer to the Deleting a Clip paragraph to learn more about deleting objects from explorer.
The node access permissions are not preserved during interdatabase copying.

Copying Rolls without Footages

It is not recommended to use this function; otherwise you will not be able to process these Rolls in Cinegy Media Cleaner and will have troubles when trying to delete the footages as Rolls from different databases may refer to the same footages.

Check the "A new Roll will share the same footages as the source one" option in order to skip copying the following Roll’s footages to the target database.

Both source and target Rolls will share the same footages in Cinegy Archive database.

Copying Rolls without footages is only possible when:

  • both source and target databases are configured to use the same shares on the Cinegy Archive database;

  • the "Copy rolls without files" action is enabled in Cinegy Archive Manager for at least one of the current user’s roles;

  • the "Allow to copy Rolls without footages" option is set to "True" in the "Server and database settings" configuration window of Cinegy Archive Manager.

Refer to the Cinegy Archive Manager Manual to learn how to enable the option for copying Rolls without footages.

Copying ClipBins and Sequences

To copy ClipBins or Sequences between the databases, use the "Copy" and "Paste" commands as usual or simple drag-and-drop holding the Ctrl key down.

All Rolls that are referenced by these ClipBins and/or Sequences will be copied first.

If a referenced Roll already exists in the target database it will not be copied.

If a referenced Roll already exists in the target database but differs from the source one, the user will be informed about it through the message in the system log.

Refer to the Copying Rolls paragraph for additional details.

Copying DocumentBins

To copy the selected DocumentBins to the desired folder within another database, use the "Copy" and "Paste" commands or simple drag-and-drop holding the Ctrl key down.

If the DocumentBin contains offline documents, they will not be copied.

Copying Folders

To copy nodes of the folder type between the databases, use the "Copy" and "Paste" commands as usual or simple drag-and-drop holding the Ctrl key down.

When nodes of the folder type are being copied, all child nodes and all nodes that are referenced by them are copied as well.